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Secure your wordpress based websites from hackers

WordPress is a commonly used CMS for creating websites, famous for its template system and huge plugin repository. Even though WordPress has been universally accepted as a web content management system, vulnerabilities caused by several plugins cost the website owners a lot. Main cause of vulnerabilities raise from wordpress instances that run with an outdated version. Key […]

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wordpress redesigning india chennai

We Redesign wordpress websites and create a new professional web designing for wordpress without the content loss. We can also design new PSD layout and after approval we can convert the layout as html and integrate in the wordpress theme. Contact us to get the best quote and more information on wordpress designing

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Advantages of Div Design

Div design offers more creativity,reliability and flexibility. We may change the layout of the website completly just by changing a few class and ids in a cascaded style steets. Flexible in adding new sections without conflict with the old ones. Most chennai india outsourcing websites uses div design to give a better and best output. […]

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